Categories: Emergency Response

Dog Keeps Oddly Appearing At School Every Day. A Teacher Decided To Help Him.

One common trait among lost or stray dogs is their gentle way of seeking help from humans. Many are cautious, keeping their distance, yet quietly waiting in the hope that someone will notice them and offer assistance.

This is the story of one such dog who spent his days outside a local school, hoping for a chance at a better life.

Caleb Schaffer, an elementary school teacher in Houston, Texas, first noticed the dog lingering near the entrance of his school as he was arriving for work one morning. The dog seemed curious and wagged his tail excitedly, but Schaffer had to begin teaching and left the dog behind.

“He was sitting right by the door, and when he saw me, his tail started thumping,” Schaffer shared later in an interview.

The teacher couldn’t stop thinking about the dog, so after finishing his classes, he returned to see if the dog was still there, only to find that he had disappeared. It turned out that a local animal shelter had attempted to capture the dog, which frightened him away.

The following morning, Schaffer saw the dog once again, waiting at the same spot by the school entrance. This time, Schaffer noticed how thin the dog was and how badly his skin seemed to be affected by neglect. He decided that if the dog returned the next day, he would take action.

On the third day, as expected, the dog was waiting at the school. Schaffer made up his mind to help, taking the dog to his car and then home, where his wife kept him company until he could make further arrangements.

After school, Schaffer reached out to local rescue organizations, but due to overcrowding, none were able to take the dog. Determined to do something, Schaffer brought the dog to a nearby shelter where he could at least receive medical care and a bath.

“I figured some basic vet care was better than nothing,” Schaffer said. “He was really suffering.”

The dog, now named Clive, was soon shared on social media, which caught the attention of Lucky Lab Rescue and Adoption. They quickly arranged for Clive to go into foster care.

Though time has passed since this event, Schaffer continues to share Clive’s story with his students, using it as a reminder of the importance of helping stray animals.

“There are so many strays here,” Schaffer said. “It’s given me a chance to talk with the kids about the importance of spaying, neutering, and heartworm prevention, as well as the realities of animal shelters.”

Although it’s unclear if Clive has been adopted since his time in foster care, one thing is certain: he is now a happy, well-loved dog who deserved every bit of kindness he received.


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