Categories: Emergency Response

Entire Community Unites To Rescue Foster Animals From Flooded South Carolina Shelter

If you’re a pet owner, you know that storms can be tough for our furry companions. Many pets get anxious or scared when they hear thunder, but fortunately, they often have their humans to comfort them and help them feel safe.

But what about animals in shelters? Shelters can be home to hundreds of pets, and with limited staff, it’s hard to give each animal the attention they need during stressful situations like storms. Many pets in these shelters are left to face their fears alone. – Watch Video Below

When Tropical Storm Debby was forecasted, the team at Dorchester Paws, a South Carolina shelter, wasn’t sure how they would handle the impending storm. At first, they thought they had things under control, but as the storm gained strength, they realized they were in the path of major flooding.

Being in a flood zone, the shelter staff had to make a difficult decision. “By 5 p.m. on Saturday, I notified our leadership team that we needed to evacuate,” shelter director Howard told The Dodo. – Watch Video Below

The staff quickly took to Facebook, posting an urgent plea for help, asking for foster families to temporarily house their 300 animals. Within minutes, their inbox was flooded with offers.

“The moment we posted about the evacuation on Facebook, we were overwhelmed with responses. By the time we started moving the animals, we had 500 applications to foster. The line of people stretched down the road and onto the highway for at least half a mile,” Howard shared. – Watch Video Below

Members of the community gathered outside the shelter, eager to take in a pet during the storm.

One special dog, a small pup named Minnie, had already found her forever home. However, when her owner had to go to the hospital, Minnie was temporarily placed in Dorchester Paws’ care. The shelter staff knew they had to make sure Minnie was well taken care of during the storm.

“Minnie’s mom asked us to ensure her sweet girl would be safe during the storm. Luckily, we had the perfect foster family in line to care for Minnie. They sent daily updates and videos to reassure her mom that Minnie was being loved and well cared for,” said Howard.

Minnie wasn’t the only lucky dog. Just two days after the shelter’s post, every single kennel at Dorchester Paws was empty, thanks to the incredible generosity of the community.

The shelter staff were amazed by the outpouring of kindness and support.

Once the storm passed, the dedicated team began restoring the shelter, preparing for the animals’ return. But the situation took an unexpected turn.

“As of last night, 30 animals have become permanent members of their foster homes! We’re still making calls, and that number is likely to keep growing,” Howard said.

For the pets who did return to Dorchester Paws, they continue to receive excellent care from the devoted staff. It’s only a matter of time before each one finds a loving family of their own.

“Dorchester Paws is blessed with an incredible team of staff and volunteers who pour their hearts into caring for the animals, despite the challenges of our current building,” Howard added.


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