Categories: Emergency Response

Dog Who Slept On The Cold Shelter Concrete For 7 Years Finally Felt The Warmth Of Home

Seeing a dog abandoned and left to fend for itself on the street is heartbreaking for any true dog lover. Unfortunately, shelters, despite providing food, water, and occasional care, often lack the most crucial element: the genuine love of a forever home.

Every day, shelters hear countless sad stories, and many of these stories involve dogs who spend their lives in these dark and lonely places. One such dog was Bipo, an American Staffordshire Terrier, who spent most of his life in a shelter. WATCH VIDEO BELOW

Bipo’s story began with hope but soon turned bleak. At just one year old, he was adopted but then quickly returned to the TAM animal shelter. The shelter staff were heartbroken but hopeful that Bipo, being a puppy, would soon find a new home. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

As time went on, Bipo faced numerous challenges, including health issues and the added difficulty of his breed being on the PPP list, which made adoption even harder. Day after day, he watched other dogs leave for loving homes while he remained alone in his kennel. WATCH VIDEO BELOW

For 2730 days, Bipo remained strong and kept a hopeful demeanor, never losing his smile despite the years of solitude. The shelter employees and volunteers, who became his best friends, never gave up on him.

On June 11, 2024, they shared a heartfelt video of Bipo on TikTok via the account @gentlepawsrescue. The clip quickly gained attention and garnered an outpouring of support from viewers. Comments such as “Oh my gosh, this breaks my heart. Eight years old and waiting for seven years. How very, very sad. He grew up waiting 😭” and “Let’s find Bipo a home!!” filled the post. Another user hoped, “Please let this go viral so he has a home within a week 😭😭😭😭.” WATCH VIDEO BELOW

To everyone’s joy, their wishes came true. A loving family saw Bipo’s story and decided to offer him a forever home. After seven long years of solitude and darkness, Bipo finally experienced the warmth of a real home and the bright light of a new beginning. May this newfound happiness last for the rest of his life.


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